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Main page photo of two professional emergency providers helping a patient

First Aid Courses
Emergency First Responce

Emergency First Response primary and secondary care training teaches you what to do in the critical moments between when a life-threatening emergency occurs and when emergency medical services arrive.

Learn how to perform CPR, provide first aid that eases pain, assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting.

First Aid Programs
Emergency First Response

first Aid Provider Lady Providing care to an injured person

teaches you what to do in the critical moments between when a life-threatening emergency occurs and when emergency medical services arrive.

section photo, A father is performing a first aid to his kid

teaches participants how to provide emergency care for injured or ill children (ages one to eight) and infants less than one year old.

Section Photo, CPR Performance

how to deploy and use an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) in an emergency situation.

Section Photo Main page photo of two professional emergency providers helping a patient

You will be equiped with enough knowldge to provide
Primary Care & Secondary Care, Care of child and AED

section photo First Aid Provider lady performing a first aid for an injured person

Unleash the hero

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